Historia Augusta

The Historia Augusta is a collection of thirty imperial biographies about the emperors of the second and third century AD (117-284 to be more precise) with a fine mix of historical fact and imagination. Since he took his PhD on this remarkable text, Diederik Burgersdijk has never managed to stay away from it, and produced many articles and chapters on the subject. He keeps visiting the Historia Augusta colloquia (Nancy 2011, Düsseldorf 2015 and Zürich 2018) since, and wrote several articles in books and journals of broader significance (Arethusa, TalantaWriting Biography in Greece and Rome).

Latin Text

Here you can find the full Latin text of the Historia Augusta in word and pdf. For the online text of the Historia Augusta, click on ‘Historia Augusta – Online’.


With the buttons to the right, you can find the complete bibliography of the Colloquia concerning the Historia Augusta. The upper button leads you to the publications which is alphabetized per author, the lower leads you to a list with the publications mentioned per Colloquium.


  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2017). Aurelius Victor, Festus and the Others. Minor Historians and Anonymous Sources in the Historia Augusta. In B. Bleckmann, Bruno Bleckmann, H. Brandt & Hartwin Brandt (Eds.), Historiae Augustae Colloquium Dusseldorpiense XIII (pp. 33-46). Bari: Edipuglia.
  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2016). Qui vitas aliorum scribere orditur. Narratological Implications of Fictional Authors in the Historia Augusta. In Koen De Temmerman & Kristoffel Demoen (Eds.), Writing Biography in Greece and Rome. Narrative Technique and Fictionalization (pp. 240-256). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2014). De structuur van de Historia Augusta. Lampas : Tijdschrift voor Classici, 47 (2), 138-157.
  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2014). La présence de Salluste dans l’Histoire Auguste. In Cécile Bertrand-Dagenbach & François Chausson (Eds.), Historiae Augustae Colloquium Nanceiense Vol. 39. Munera (pp. 111-127). Bari: Edipuglia.
  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2013). Pliny’s Panegyricus and the Historia Augusta. Arethusa, 46 (2), 289-312.
  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2011). Dissertationes Batavae: Style and Structure of the Historia Augusta. Mnemosyne : a Journal of Classical Studies, 64, 532.
  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2010, March 4). Style and Structure of the Historia AugustaUniversiteit van Amsterdam (302 pag.) (s.l.: s.n.) Supervisor(s): prof. dr. D. den Hengst.
  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2007). Nepos in der Historia Augusta. In Giorgio Bonamente & Hartwin Brandt (Eds.), Historiae Augustae Colloquium Bambergense (pp. 95-107). Bari: Edipuglia.
  • Burgersdijk, D.W.P. (2005). Zenobia’s biography in the Historia Augusta. Talanta. Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 36/37, 139-151.